"Love Letter 036"
(Page 02 of 05)

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From: Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
To: My Dearest Loving Older Brother, 
President Jimmy Carter.
Written On: October, 2013.

Also See "Love Letter 034",
        And "Love Letter 035".

Go To “The Introduction


1. For "Love Letter 036" - For Page 02

Go To "The Detailed Plan"
Go To "The Outline" of "The Detailed Plan"
Go To "The Picture" The “Founding of Pennsylvania
Go To "Summary D"
​Go To "Problem/Solution Description" - 01
Go To "Summary E"
​Go To "Problem/Solution Description" - 02

2. For "Love Letter 036" - For Page 01

Go To “The ACTE Graph” of “Career Clusters
Go To “A Video Talk" By Salman Khan
of “The Khan Academy
Go To "INCOSE Graph" of "Certification Program"
Go To "Summary A"
Go To "Summary B"
Go To "Summary C"

3. For "Love Letter 035":

Go To "The Outline" of “Love Letter 035
Go To "A Little Bit" About "Bawa".
Go To "Closing Comments" of “Love Letter 35
Go To "Guest Book"


More About 
Starting Up 
A New Company Together” 
 That Focuses On 
Affordable Housing
In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.


The Introduction
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Go To "The Outline"

Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May All The Peace, The Beneficence, And The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends.  

Bawa. My Love You, My Dearest Loving Older Brother of “The One True Heart” of God, President Jimmy Carter, and that is for sure.

Bawa. Thank You Again For “Your Faith and Trust In God” That You Have Demonstrated During “Your Public Life“ In The World, It Has Always Been An Inspiration For Those of Us Living In The World Who Are Trying To Also “Make A Difference” In The World Through “Our Faith & Trust In God”, and that's for sure.

Bawa. As Noted In Our Last Fifteen Letters To You, All Now Contained In Love Letter 35” (Version “J”), And Now Also In “Love Letter 036, Page 01, We Have Been A Tiny Student of His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) For 38 Years, Who Came To America In 1971 And Who Lived With Us And Taught Us About “The True Nature” of God Within Us, Which In Truth Is “Oneness” With Us, And If We Like, Which Is Our “Oneness” With Him, And With Each Other, Until December 8th, 1986, When His Holiness Physically Left The World, Having Established During That Time “The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship” In America With Its Main Branch At 5820 Overbrook Avenue, In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and that is for sure.

Bawa. Since The Physical Passing of His Holiness From Our Presence His Children Have Loving Established Both “The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Web Site” ( As Well As “A Holy Shrine” Near Coatesville, Pennsylvania, About An Hours Ride From Philadelphia, Where His Holiness Is Buried, Along With Now Many of His Children, and that is for sure.

Bawa. We Are Writing You This Sixteenth Letter, Which You Can Also Access "On-line" As Now “Love Letter 036”, Page 02Again Sending It To “The Carter Center”, To Ask For Your Help In Starting Up “A New Company Together That Focuses On “Affordable Housing” In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, for sure. 

Bawa. That Is, Specifically To Ask For Your Help, My President, In Implementing “Our Brief Plan” (Part A), Using “Our Brief Strategy” (Part B), And Specifically Using “The Detailed Strategy” (Part C) And (Part D) of “Our Proposal” To You, All Outlined Now For You In “Love Letter 035”, for sure.

Bawa. That is, First Outlined For You In “Love Letter 035” Using “The First 
Detailed Strategy” (Part C) That “We” Have Formulated To Implement Our Plan”, That Is, By Better Utilizing All of “The Existing Resources”, For Example, LIke Better Using Both “Senior Citizens”, And “High School Students”, As Well As Better Using People Now Working In “The Trades” And “Their Trade Unions”, And “College/Graduate Students”, And Those Currently Working In “The Professions” And “Their Professional Societies”, And In “The City of Philadelphia”, And “Their City Employee Unions”, And In “The State of Pennsylvania”, And “Their State Employee Unions”, And In “The Federal Government” of “Washington, DC”, And “Their Federal Employee Unions”.

Bawa. And Second Outlined For You In “Love Letter 035” Using “The Second Detailed Strategy” (Part D1 & 2) That “We” Have Also 
Formulated To Implement Our Plan”, This Time By Better Utilizing 
The Existing New Technology” of “Our Age” (D-1), And By Solving 
The Smokestack Problem” (D-2) of “Our Age”, In Order To Interconnect All of “These Existing Resources” To Provide “A Simple Solution” To All of “The Apparent” But “Truly False Problems” Now Facing “Our Plan” of Providing “Affordable Housing” In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and that is for sure.

Bawa. Also In “Love Letter 035” We Have Shared With You, My President, 
Little Bit” About “The Life and Teaching” And “The Heart”, of His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Who We Truly Believe Makes It Now Possible For All of Us Living In America To “Make The Switch” From The Current State” of “Our Lives”, And From “The Current State” of “Our Country, Our Towns, Our Cities, And Our States”, To A “Much Better State” For “Our Lives”, And For “Our Country, Our Towns, Our Cities, And Our States”, 
Especially One That Is More Friendly To “The Higher Nature” of “Our Lives” Which In Truth Is “The Goodness” of God Truly Inherent In All of “Our Lives”, If we like, and that is for sure. 

Note 01: Click On The Following Link, Calld "A Little BitAbout Bawa", For More About "Bawa").

Bawa. And Now, Mr. President, In Our Current Letter To You, That Is, In “Love Letter 036”, Page 02, Which You Can Also Access On-line By Clicking On The Following Link, “Love Letter 036”, Page 02, We Will Continue To Outline For You “The Detailed Plan”, And "The Outline" of "The Detailed Plan", Which Follows Below, For “The City of Philadelphia And Their City Employee Unions”, And Now For “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, And Their 
State Employee Unions”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, We Will Continue To Outline For You “The Detailed Plan”, For “The City of Philadelphia” And “Their City Employee Unions”, And Now For “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, And “Their State Employee Unions”, That We Have Formulated To Implement “Our Proposal” To You, 
Using “The Brief Plan” (Part A), And “The Brief Strategy” (Part B), And Using “The Detailed Strategy” (Part C), And (Part DAs “A Starting Point” Only, As Outlined In “Love Letter 035”, That Is, To Start Up “New Company Together” That Focuses On “Affordable Housing” In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. That Is, And Using Our Detailed Plan” For “The City of Philadelphia” And “Their City Employee Unions”, And Now For “The Commonwealth of 
Pennsylvania”, And Their State Employee Unions”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. All of Which You Can Also Access Directly, In Summary Form, By Going To "The Outline" of "The Detailed Plan”, As Well As By Going To “Summary D”, And To "Summary E", And Now To "Summary F", And By ​Going To 
"Problem/Solution Description" - 01And To “Problem/Solution Description - 02", And Now To "Problem/Solution Description" - 03 if you like, for sure.

Bawa. Any Guidance That You Could Provide, My President, Concerning The Best Way To Set Up Such A Company, Fund It, And Make It Both “Humanly Successful” As Well As “Financially Successful” Would Be Greatly Appreciated, and that is for sure.


The Detailed Plan 

That We Have Formulated 
To Implement “Our Proposal” To You, 
Using The Brief Plan” (Part A), 
And “The Brief Strategy” (Part B), 
And “The Detailed Strategy” (Part C), And (Part D),
As “Starting Point” Only, 
As Outlined In “Love Letter 035”,
To Start Up 
A New Company Together” 
That Focuses On 
Affordable Housing” 
In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 
and that is for sure.

Go To "Top of Page"
Go To "The Outline"


“The Outline”
of “The Detailed Plan

Go To "Top of Page"
Go To "A" - Build "An On-line Knowledge Base"
Go To "B" - Build "An On-line Systems Model"
Go To "C" - Build "An On-line Project (PERT) Chart" 

A. Build "An On-line Knowledge Base".

--- Page 01 ---
(Previous Page)
Go To "Page 01" of "This Document"
Go To Page 02 of "This Outline"
For Example

1.  For “Senior Citizens”.
2.  For High School Students”.
3.  For "The TradesAnd "Their Trade Unions".
     Go To “The ACTE Graph” of “Career Clusters
     Go To "Summary A"

4.  For College/Graduate Students”      
     Go To “A Video Talk" By Salman Khan of “The Khan Academy
     Go To "Summary B"

5.  For "The ProfessionsAnd"Their Professional Societies"
      Go To "INCOSE Graph" of "Certification Program"
      Go To "Summary C"

--- Page 02 ---
(This Page)
​Go To Page 01 of "This Outline"

6.  For The City of Philadelphia” And “Their City Employee
      Go To "Summary D"
       Go To "Problem/Solution Description" - 01

7.  For “The State of Pennsylvania”, And “Their State Employee
      Go To "The Picture" The "Founding of Pennsylvania"
      Go To "Summary E"
      Go To "Problem/Solution Description" - 02

--- Page 03 ---
 (Next Page)

8.  For “The Federal Government of “Washington, DC”, And
     “Their Federal Employee Unions”.

 --- Go To Page 03 ---

B. Build "An On-line Systems Model"

C. Build "An On-line Project (PERT) Chart


A. Bawa. So, Mr. President, Here Is “The Information” That We Have Put Together For "UsAbout "An On-line Knowledge Base" To Support "Our New Company".

Build "An On-line Knowledge Base".

Page 01 (Previous Page)
Go To "Page 01" of Document

Go To "Top of Page"
Go To "The Outline"
Go To "01" - For “Senior Citizens”.
Go To "02" -  For “High School Students”.
Go To "03" -  For "The Trades" And "Their Trade Unions",
Go To "04"  For “College/Graduate Students” 
Go To "05" - For "The Professions
And"Their Professional Societies",

Page 02 (This Page)

Go To "06" For “The City of Philadelphia” 
And “Their City Employees Unions"
Go To "07" - For “The State of Pennsylvania”, 
And “Their State Employee Unions"

Page 03 (Next Page)

Go To "08" - For “The Federal Government” of “Washington, DC”, 
And “Their Federal Employee Unions”.

--- Go To Page 03 ---


Bawa. So, My President, The First Thing That We Need For “Our New Company” Is To Answer “The Classic” Newspaper Report’s 5 Questions, When Investigating A Potential Story For His Newspaper, That Is, 

“What, Where, When,  HowAnd Why”?

Bawa. That Is, “What” Happened, “Where” Did It Happen, “When” Did It Happen, “How” Did It Happen, And Always, If Possible, “Why” Did It Happen, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And For “Our What” We Need To Deeply InvestigateDocument, And
 Put Into A User Friendly On-line Format” All of The Information We Can Collect About “Affordable Housing” As It Is Currently Played Out In “Our Where”, Which In Our Case Is “The City of Philadelphia”, And “Their City Employee Unions”, And In “The State of Pennsylvania”, And “Their State Employee Unions”, And In “The Federal Government” of “Washington, DC”, And “Their Federal Employee Unions”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. For ExampleThis Would Include The Following Type of Information About “Affordable Housing”, Some of Which We Have Already Started To Collect, As Part of “Love Letter 35”, In "Part C" of "Our First Detailed Strategy", To You, And As Part of "Love Letter 036", Page 01, of “Our Detailed Plan”, And Now As Part of "Love Letter 036", Page 02, of “Our Detailed Plan”, and that is for sure.


6. For The City of Philadelphia” And Their City
    Employee Unions”. 
Go To "Top of Page"
Go To "The Outline"
Go To "Summary D"
Go To "Problem/Solution Description" - 01
Go To "6-c" On "The New Philadelphia Community App" - "MyPhillyRising"

6-a. Now Lets Look At “The Make Up” of “The City of Philadelphia” And “Their City Employee Unions” In And Around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, How They Are Currently Educated/Trained/Used/Employed, And By Whom, And Their Satisfaction/Displeasure, And “Their Availability” And “Their Interest” In Participating In “Our New Company”, And Their Suggestions For “Moving Forward” Our Grand Enterprise, and that is for sure.

6-b. For Example, The Following “City of Philadelphia’s Strategic Plan to Prevent Youth Violence” Statement Demonstrates “The New Global” And Humanitarian Scope (Including, if you like, Our Focus On “Affordable Housing”) of “The Current City Government” of Mayor Michael A. Mutter For “The City of Philadelphia” “ That Is, 

“If there were a bill of rights for Philadelphia’s children, the first and most important would be the right to be safe: at home, at school, and on the streets.  Every young person in Philadelphia has a fundamental right to live in a safe neighborhood with the opportunity to realize a fulfilling adult life.  To prevent youth violence in Philadelphia, we will strive to create safe environments that support the development of healthy, thriving, productive citizens through a city-wide, multi-disciplinary approach aligning prevention, intervention, enforcement, re-entry, and data evaluation efforts".

Posted on September 26, 2013 by City of Philadelphia

The ProblemThe Urgency of Now

1. In 2012, 331 people were murdered in Philadelphia, and nearly 40% of those murder victims were youth aged 24 years old and younger.

2. 75% of the 331 killed in 2012 were African American, as were 80% of the perpetrators.

3. Highest incidence of shooting victims citywide between the ages of 14-24 years old, accounting for more than 13.7% of all youth shootings in the City

4. Area with less than two percent of the city’s population that spans only 4.31 square miles

5. 42.35% of its population living below poverty

6. City owns 50% of the property

7. To prevent youth violence in Philadelphia by creating a safe environment that supports the development of healthy, thriving, productive citizens through a citywide multi- disciplinary approach to youth violence aligning prevention, intervention, enforcement, reentry, and data & evaluation efforts.

8. This will be accomplished when youth violence prevention and reduction efforts are:

9. Embedded in every city agencies’ mission and reflected in their budgets, programs, outcomes, and accountability measures; 

10. Sustained in future administrations resulting in a city where youth, particularly at-risk and high-risk youth, feel and are safer at home, at school, and in their neighborhoods. 

Themes and Priorities

1. YOUTH - at the Center, Around Which Are “The Following” City Services:

a. Detention and Diversion
d. Safe Environment
e. Education
f. Employment
g. Performance Management

Meaningful Engagement

1. Goal: Youth in high crime areas participate in positive after- school and out-of-school activities.  

2. Initial Strategy: Work with the City’s out of school time network to connect youth to available out- of-school programming and build opportunities for increased participation with a goal of every student in the 22nd district able to access an activity of their choice safely.

3. Signs of Success: Rising Sons, a mentoring organization run by young men 18-30, has launched their Rising Stars program in the ML King Recreation Center within the 22nd Police District. Rising Stars is an after-school and summer program for boys in grades seven through twelve that stimulates the mind and body in order to maintain a positive path in the present and plan well for the future.

Training & Employment

1. Goal: Increase career training and job opportunities for Philadelphia youth living in high crime areas.

2. Initial Strategy: Engage the business sector in meaningful discussion regarding their needs, opportunities for youth, and pathways to full employment.

3. Signs of Success: Through Philadelphia Youth Network (PYN) 580 youth from 22nd district were employed this summer, in addition, there is year round program focusing on academic attainment programs (GED programs), services to help young people move into secondary education, workforce development skills, and occupational skills.

Physical and Behavioral Health

1. Goal: Reduce the impact of trauma by increasing access to mental health services in the 22nd police district.

2. Initial Strategy: Increase trauma-training for School District of Philadelphia personnel.

3. Signs of Success: The Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS) provides free Mental Health First Aid training. Areas of expansion include PhillyRising staff and recreation center staff to be trained as trainers, and representatives from the schools in the 22nd police district.

Areas of Opportunity

1. Every young person in Philadelphia has a fundamental right to live in a safe neighborhood, free of violence, and the opportunity to realize a fulfilling adult life.

2. How do we connect this strategy with other plans and initiatives locally and nationally?

3. Given the urgency of now, how do you prioritize a few short term goals and process them all at once?


A. Preventing youth violence requires the participation of numerous organizations, city departments, and programs.

B. In addition to those listed below, successful implementation of this strategic plan will rely on current and new partnerships with faith-based organizations, youth organizations, nonprofit and philanthropic partners, academics and the business community.


1. Key Delivery Partners - For Training and Employment:

a. Philadelphia Youth Network
b. Philadelphia Works
c. Pre-Apprentice Program For Construction Trades
d. Parks and Recreation Department.
e. Future Track
f. Philadelphia Commerce Department.
g. E-3 Centers.
h. PhillyRising
i. PowerCorpPHL
j. Urban Nutrition Initiative.
k. Philadelphia Reintegration Services For Ex-Offenders.


2. Key Delivery Partners - For Positive Youth Development

a. Police Athletic League
b. Graduation Coach Campaign
c. Philadelphia Police Department
d. Youth And Community Action Committee
e. Department of Human Resources
f. Black Male Achievement 
g. Cities United
h. Philadelphia Recreation Department
i. Philadelphia Disproportionate Minority Contact
j. Mural Arts Guild Program
k. Free Library


3. Key Delivery Partners - For Health

a. Intellectual DisAbilities Services
b. Citywide Injury Review Teams
c. Youth Move Philadelphia
d. Drexel University Trauma-Informed Training
e. Parent Child Interaction Therapy
f. 11th Street Family Health Services
g. CHOP Violence Intervention Program
h. Department of Behavioral Health


4. Key Delivery Partners - For Education

a. School District of Philadelphia
b. Philadelphia Council For College and Career Success
c. Unitec Way
d. Childcare Providers
e. Philadelphia Health Management Corporation
f. Reentry Transition Initiative - Welcome Return Assessment Process
g. Graduation Coach Campaign 
h. Mayor’s Office of Community Empowerment & Opportunity
i. Philadelphia Compact Partners.


5. Key Delivery Partners - For Safe Environment

a. School District of Philadelphia
b. PhillyRising
c. District Attorney’s Public Nuisance Task Force
d. City of Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections
e. Town Watch
f. Philadelphia Housing Authority
g. Philadelphia Police Department
h. Ceasefire Philadelphia


6. Key Delivery Partners - For Detention and Diversion

a. Youth Aid Panel
b. Family Court
c. Juvenile Treatment Court
d. Philadelphia Treatment Court
e. Clinical Evaluation Unit
f. Evening Reporting Centers
g. Youth Violence Reduction Partnership
h. GunStat
i. Juvenile Enforcement Team
j. Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative
k. Mural Arts Guild Program


6-cAnd For ExampleThe Following Description of The “NEW APP TO CONNECT CITIZENS WITH COMMUNITIES” Also Demonstrates “The New Global” And Humanitarian Scope 
(Including, if you like, Our Focus On “Affordable Housing”) of “The Current City Government” of Mayor Michael A. Mutter For “The City of Philadelphia”, and that is for sure.
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Go To "6" On "The City of Philadelphia"

Posted on October 10, 2013 by City of Philadelphia

The “myPhillyRising” 
mobile app 
tells residents about 
upcoming events
local resources available.

Philadelphia, October 10, 2013 – The City of Philadelphia introduced a new mobile web application (app) that allows citizens quickly to find out more about neighborhoods that are part of the PhillyRising Collaborative

Core features of the app include

1. upcoming events like community meetings and cleanups; 

2. information about community resources; 

3. locations of neighborhood facilities such as libraries, 

4. KEYSPOTs and healthy corner stores; success stories in neighborhoods; 

5. and an open discussion forum for each neighborhood. 

The app’s purpose is to connect residents with their communities and provide a forum to share important information that can ultimately help improve the neighborhood.

Deputy Mayor for Administration and Coordination and Managing Director Richard Negrin said, 

“The myPhillyRising app is the latest tool in the City’s efforts to engage residents in improving their neighborhoods.  It helps residents connect with neighbors and resources in their neighborhood, including those that can help close the digital divide.  If you need help from the City, use Philly311, but if you want to help and get involved, use myPhillyRising.”

The app serves the following neighborhoods: Elmwood, Frankford, Haddington, Hartranft, Kensington, Kingsessing, Lawncrest, Market East, North Central, Penrose, Point Breeze, Southeast, St. Hugh’s, Strawberry Mansion, Swampoodle and Allegheny West. Information will be uploaded to the app by PhillyRising staff but individuals can also share information through the app.

John Farrell, Deputy Managing Director for PhillyRising, added, “We are excited to have an online location where residents will be able to both learn about activities and resources in their community as well as interact and create new events.  Connecting residents who are interested in improving their neighborhoods is part of the core mission of PhillyRising, and this app will simplify that process.  The fact that the app works across multiple platforms makes this even easier and more inclusive.”

To access the app, visit Because the app is web-based, it can be used through iPhone, Android and Blackberry devices as well as desktop computers, laptops and tablets. Rather than downloading it, simply bookmark the address in the device’s internet browser. The app is also available as a widget on the Philly311 mobile app. Users can sign-in using Twitter, Facebook or a Philly311 Mobile App login.

City Chief Innovation Officer Adel Ebeid said,

"Several months ago, we began experimenting with new ways to engage smart, agile companies from our own technology community to help us build useful services. This app has provided a great first result, and we’re committed to keep trying these new ideas to help us provide better services to the citizens of the City of Philadelphia. 

The opportunity to contract on this project was posted on GitHub, and there were ten responses. The vendor for the app is OpenPlans, a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Philadelphia and New York City with staff who are former Philly Code for America fellows. The app is open-sourced, meaning that other cities can take advantage of the model.”
 To view screenshots of the app, visit:


"Summary D"
"The City of Philadelphia
And "Their City Employee Unions”.
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Go To "The Outline"
Go To "Problem/Solution Description"

Bawa. So, Mr. President, Using “This Brief Journey” Through “The Current World” of "The City of Philadelphia"”, That Is, From “The City’s Strategic Plan to Prevent Youth Violence”, Posted on September 26, 2013 by City of Philadelphia, And To The New “myPhillyRising” mobile app, Posted on October 10, 2013 by City of Philadelphia, As An Example, What We Are Proposing Is A New Kind of "City of Philadelphia" Strategic Plan, And Mobile App, One For “Affordable Housing”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, A New Kind of "City of Philadelphia" Strategic Plan, And Mobile App, One For “Affordable Housing”, But Not On “Affordable Housing” As Something That “The City Provides” For Its Individual Citizens/Families, That Is, Mainly For Its Low-Income/Poor/Elderly/Homeless/Disabled/Minority Citizens/Families, and that is for sure.

Bawa. But Rather, A Strategic Plan, And Mobile App, As Part of “An Umbrella Enterprise/Company” That Stands Between “The Individual” Living/Working In, And Around, “The City” And In All of “The City’s” Government/Financial/Business/Education Institutions, That Literally Puts “The Individual” Again, Or Probably For “The First Time”, Literally “In Charge” of “The Choices” In “His Life’s Journey”, Not “At The Mercy” of “The Powerful People/Institutions” of His Society, As They Say, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, And Coupled With, As Reviewed In "Summary A", And In "Summary B", And In "Summary C" Earlier, With As A New Kind of “Masters/Certification Program”, One For “Affordable Housing”, And A New Kind of “Career Path”, One For “Affordable Housing”, And A New Kind of "On-line Computer Based Learning System", One Called “Affordable Housing”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That is, And Coupled With A New Kind of “Career Path” For The People Entering “College/Graduate School”, And For Those Already Working In “The Professions”, And For Those Now Retiring/Retired From “The Professions”, One Called “Affordable Housing”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, And Coupled With A New Kind of “Knowledge Map” Or “Career Cluster” That Includes A New Kind of "Enterprise Level Umbrella 
Architecture" For “Professionals”, And For “Everything” Necessary To Successfully Support “The Design/Development/Implementation/Maintenance” of This New Kind of “Knowledge Map”, One Called “Affordable Housing”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, And Coupled With A New Kind of “Career Cluster”, That Includes A New Kind of "Enterprise Level Umbrella Architecture" For “Professionals”, One Called “Affordable Housing”, That Truly Embraces “Everything” Necessary To Make “Affordable Housing” A Successful Reality In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, For The Benefit of All of “The Current Resources” Available For This New Kind of “Industrial/Community Based Enterprise/Project”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. For Example, By Using “The Existing Resources” (Part C), And By Using “The Existing Technology” of Our Day (D-1), And By Solving “The Smokestack Problem” of Our Day (D-2), As Briefly Summarized For You In “Love Letter 35”, and that is for sure.


Bawa. For In Truth, Mr. President, These Current Initiatives By “The City of Philadelphia”, As Well As Their Current Government/Business” Models/
Systems Have “A Serious Flaw”, That Is, They Focus On “The Wrong Thing”, That Is, On "The Material Health" of "The CityRather Than On "The Emotional/Spiritual Health" of "The Individual", In Order To Provide A Truly Vibrant "Growing/Sustainable/Community/Neighborhood/City", and that is for sure.


Problem/Solution Description - 01
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Go To "Summary D"

Bawa. For Example, The City’s Main Focus Is On:

 a. Improving Neighborhoods,
 b. Improving Finances.
 c, Improving Businesses.
 d. Improving “The Environment
 e. Improving “Homelessness”
 f. Improving “Youth Violence
 g. Improving “The City”, And “The City Services
 h. Improving Entertainment
 i. Improving “The City Infrastructure
 j. Improving The City Education” System
 k. Improving “Etc.”

Bawa. But The City’s Main Focus Is Not:

Bawa. On Directly Improving” The Individual, That Is, Is Not Directly On Making “The Individual” More “Intrinsically Valuable”, Like “A Diamond” To Be Displayed On “The Crown of The King/God”, That Is, Like “A True Human Being” Living As The Presence/Qualities/Actions” of The King/God, And As
The Word/Clarity” of The King/God “Made Flesh” In “The World”, As They Say, All For "The Benefit" of All of "His Subjects/Children", if you like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. But RatherThe City’s Main Focus Is Just On Making “The Individual” 
More “Extrinsically Valuable” To “The Community” And To “The City’s” 
Government/Financial/Business Institutions, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, Like “A Hunk of Coal” Is “Extrinsically Valuable” To “The Community”, Only To Be Consumed In “The Furnaces” of “The City”, In Order To Move Forward “The Fortunes” of “The City”, Only In “The End” To Go Up 
As “Smoke”, Having Lost “All Value” To All, Including To "The King/God", and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, But Rather The City’s Focus Is Not On Directly Moving “The Individual” Forward In “Their True Life Journey” Within “The Context” of 
The City of Philadelphia”, And of “The City’s” Governmental/Financial/
Business Institutions, And Now, if you like, In “The Context” of Our New 
Industrial/Community Based Enterprise/Project” of Providing “Affordable Housing” In “The City of Philadelphia”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. So, Mr. President, “This” Is The Niche That We Are Proposing That We Start To Fill In “The Landscape” of “The City of Philadelphia”, That Is, “An Umbrella Enterprise/Company” That Stands Between “The Individual” And All of “The City’s” Government/Financial/Business/Education Institutions, That Literally Puts “The Individual” Again At "The Center" of "The King/God
Universe, That In Truth Is "Over The City's Universe", and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, That Literally Puts “The Individual” In Charge” Again of “The Choices” In “His True Life’s Journey”, Supported By "The Representatives
HERE of "The King/GodTHERENot JUST “At The Mercy” of “The Powerful 
People/Institutions” of His Society, As They Say, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, Allowing Us To Truly "Make A Difference" In "The Lives" of Our Brothers and Sisters Now Living/Working InAnd Around, "The City of Philadelphia", Through "Our Faith and Trust" In God, and that is for sure.


7. For “The State of Pennsylvania” And Their State
Employee Unions”. 
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Go To "The Picture" The "Founding of Pennsylvania"
Go To "Summary E"
Go To "Problem/Solution Description - 02"
Go To "7-c" On The “Frame of Government of Pennsylvania
Go To "7-d" On "The Governor's News Release" 

7-a. Now Lets Look At The Make Up” of “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania” And “Their State Employee Unions”, How They Are Currently Educated/Trained/Used/Employed, And By Whom, And Their Satisfaction/Displeasure, And “Their Availability” And “Their Interest” In Participating In “Our New Company”, And Their Suggestions For “Moving Forward” Our Grand Enterprise, and that is for sure.

7-b.  For ExampleThe Following Excerpts From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, On William Penn, Demonstrates “The Original Global” And Humanitarian Scope (Including, if you like, Our Focus On “Affordable Housing”) of “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, and that is for sure.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia On William Penn

“William Penn (14 October 1644 – 30 July 1718) was an English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, the English North American colony and the future Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He was an early champion of democracy and religious freedom, notable for his good relations and successful treaties with the Lenape Indians. Under his direction, the city of Philadelphia was planned and developed.”

“As one of the earlier supporters of colonial unification, Penn wrote and urged for a Union of all the English colonies in what was to become the United States of America. 

The democratic principles that he set forth in the Pennsylvania Frame of Government served as an inspiration for the United States Constitution. As a pacifist Quaker, Penn considered the problems of war and peace deeply, and included a plan for a United States of Europe ("European Dyet, Parliament or Estates") in his voluminous writings.”

“Young Penn recalled later that “the Lord visited me and gave me divine Impressions of Himself.”[11].

“I had no relations that inclined to so solitary and spiritual way; I was a child alone. A child given to musing, occasionally feeling the divine presence.”[14]

“In Paris, at the court of young Louis XIV, Penn found French manners far more refined than the coarse manners of his countrymen — but the extravagant display of wealth and privilege did not sit well with him.[20] Though impressed by Notre Dame and the Catholic ritual, he felt uncomfortable with it. Instead he sought out spiritual direction from French Protestant theologian Moise Amyraut, who invited Penn to stay with him in Saumur for a year.[21] The undogmatic Christian humanist talked of a tolerant, adapting view of religion which appealed to Penn, who later stated, “I never had any other religion in my life than what I felt.”[22] By adapting his mentor’s belief in free will, Penn felt unburdened of Puritanical guilt and rigid beliefs, and was inspired to search out his own religious path.[23].

“Upon returning to England after two years abroad, he presented to his parents a mature, sophisticated, well-mannered, “modish” gentleman, though Samuel Pepys noted young Penn’s “vanity of the French”.[24] Penn had developed a taste for fine clothes, and for the rest of his life would pay somewhat more attention to his dress than most Quakers. The Admiral had great hopes that his son then had the practical sense and the ambition necessary to succeed as an aristocrat. He had young Penn enroll in law school but soon his studies were interrupted.”

“With warfare with the Dutch imminent, young Penn decided to shadow his father at work and join him at sea.[25] Penn functioned as an emissary between his father and the King, then returned to his law studies. Worrying about his father in battle he wrote, “I never knew what a father was till I had wisdom enough to prize him...I pray God...that you come home secure.”[26] The Admiral returned triumphant but London was in the grip of the plague of 1665. Young Penn reflected on the suffering and the deaths, and the way humans reacted to the epidemic.”

“He wrote that the scourge “gave me a deep sense of the vanity of this World, of the Irreligiousness of the Religions in it.”[27] Further he observed how Quakers on errands of mercy were arrested by the police and demonized by other religions, even accused of causing the plague.[28]”.

“As Penn became homeless, he began to live with Quaker families.[38] Quakers were relatively strict Christians in the seventeenth century. They refused to bow or take off their hats to social superiors, believing all men equal under God, a belief antithetical to an absolute monarchy which believed the monarch divinely appointed by God. Therefore, Quakers were treated as heretics because of their principles and their failure to pay tithes. They also refused to swear oaths of loyalty to the King. Quakers followed the command of Jesus not to swear, reported in the Gospel of Matthew, 5:34. The basic ceremony of Quakerism is silent meditation in a meeting house, conducted in a group.[33] There is no ritual and no professional clergy, and Quakers disavow the concept of original sin. God's communication comes to each individual directly, and if so moved, the individual shares their revelations, thoughts or opinions with the group. Penn found all these tenets to sit well with his conscience and his heart.”

“Penn became a close friend of George Fox, the founder of the Quakers, whose movement started in the 1650s during the tumult of the Cromwellian revolution. The times sprouted many new sects besides Quakers, including Seekers, Ranters, Antinomians, Seventh Day Baptists, Soul Sleepers, Adamites, Diggers, Levellers, Anabaptists (such as Mennonites, Mennonite Brethren etc.), Behmenists, Muggletonians, and many others, as the Puritans were more tolerant than the monarchy had been.[39][40] Following Oliver Cromwell's death, however, the Crown was re-established and the King responded with harassment and persecution of all religions and sects other than Anglicanism.”

“Fox risked his life, wandering from town to town, and he attracted followers who likewise believed that the "God who made the world did not dwell in temples made with hands."[41] By abolishing the church’s authority over the congregation, Fox not only extended the Protestant Reformation more radically, but he helped extend the most important principle of modern political history – the rights of the individual – upon which modern democracies were later founded.[42] “

“Penn traveled frequently with Fox, through Europe and England. He also wrote a comprehensive, detailed explanation of Quakerism along with a testimony to the character of George Fox, in his introduction to the autobiographical Journal of George Fox.[43] In effect, Penn became the first theologian, theorist, and legal defender of Quakerism, providing its written doctrine and helping to establish its public standing.[44]”

“Penn’s first of many pamphlets, "Truth Exalted", was a "short but sure testimony" against all religions except Quakerism. His strident attack on the Trinity and his branding the Catholic Church as "the Whore of Babylon" and Puritans as "hypocrites and revelers in God" brought him attention from the Anglican Church. He also lambasted all "false prophets, tithemongers, and opposers of perfection".[46] Pepys thought it a "ridiculous nonsensical book" that he was "ashamed to read".[47] In 1668, Penn was imprisoned in the Tower of London after writing a follow up tract entitled The Sandy Foundation Shaken.”

The Bishop of London ordered that Penn be held indefinitely until he publicly recanted his written statements. The official charge was publication without a license but the real crime was blasphemy, as signed in a warrant by King Charles II.[48] Penn was placed in solitary confinement in an unheated cell and threatened with a life sentence. He bravely responded, "My prison shall be my grave before I will budge a jot: for I owe my conscience to no mortal man."[48]”

“Among the most famous of these was the trial following his 1670 arrest with William Meade. Penn was accused of preaching before a gathering in the street, which Penn had deliberately provoked in order to test the validity of the new law against assembly.”

“Penn pleaded for his right to see a copy of the charges laid against him and the laws he had supposedly broken, but the judge (the Lord Mayor of London) refused – even though this right was guaranteed by the law. Furthermore, the judge directed the jury to come to a verdict without hearing the defence.[51]”

“Despite heavy pressure from the Lord Mayor to convict Penn, the jury returned a verdict of "not guilty". When invited by the judge to reconsider their verdict and to select a new foreman, they refused and were sent to a cell over several nights to mull over their decision. The Lord Mayor then told the jury, "You shall go together and bring in another verdict, or you shall starve", and not only had Penn sent to jail in loathsome Newgate Prison (on a charge of contempt of court), but the full jury followed him, and they were additionally fined the equivalent of a year’s wages each.[52][53]”

“The members of the jury, fighting their case from prison in what became known as Bushel's Case, managed to win the right for all English juries to be free from the control of judges.[54] This case was one of the more important trials that shaped the future concept of American freedom (see jury nullification)[55] and was a victory for the use of the writ of habeas corpus as a means of freeing those unlawfully detained.”

“With his father dying, Penn wanted to see him one more time and patch up their differences. But he urged his father not to pay his fine and free him, 
"I intreat thee not to purchase my liberty." But the Admiral refused to let the opportunity pass and he paid the fine, releasing his son.”

“The old man had gained respect for his son's integrity and courage and told him, "Let nothing in this world tempt you to wrong your conscience."
[56] The Admiral also knew that after his death, young Penn would become more vulnerable in his pursuit of justice. In an act which would not only secure his son’s protection but also set the conditions for the founding of Pennsylvania, the Admiral wrote to the Duke of York, the successor to the throne.”

“The Duke and the King, in return for the Admiral's lifetime service to the Crown, promised to protect young Penn and make him a royal counselor.[57]”

“Penn was not disinherited and he came into a large fortune, but found himself in jail again for six months as he continued to agitate. After gaining his freedom, he finally married Gulielma Springett in April 1672, after a four year engagement filled with frequent separations.”

“Penn stayed close to home but continued writing his tracts, espousing religious tolerance and railing against discriminatory laws.[58] A minor split developed in the Quaker community between those who favored Penn’s analytical formulations and those that preferred Fox’s simple precepts.[59] But overriding the differences was the fact that the persecution of Quakers had accelerated and Penn again resumed missionary work in Holland and Germany.[60]”


Founding of Pennsylvania
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“The Birth of Pennsylvania, 1680, by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris. William Penn, holding paper, standing and facing King Charles II, in the King's breakfast chamber at Whitehall.”

“Seeing conditions deteriorating, Penn decided to appeal directly to the King and the Duke. Penn proposed a solution which would solve the dilemma—a mass emigration of English Quakers. Some Quakers had already moved to North America, but the New England Puritans, especially, were as hostile towards Quakers as Anglicans in England were, and some of the Quakers had been banished to the Caribbean.[61]”

“In 1677, a group of prominent Quakers that included Penn purchased the colonial province of West Jersey (half of the current state of New Jersey).[62] That same year, two hundred settlers from the towns of Chorleywood and Rickmansworth in Hertfordshire and other towns in nearby Buckinghamshire arrived, and founded the town of Burlington. George Fox himself had made a journey to America to verify the potential of further expansion of the early Quaker settlements.[63] In 1682, East Jersey was also purchased by Quakers.[64]”

“With the New Jersey foothold in place, Penn pressed his case to extend the Quaker region. Whether from personal sympathy or political expediency, to Penn’s surprise, the King granted an extraordinarily generous charter which made Penn the world’s largest private (non-royal) landowner, with over 45,000 square miles (120,000 km2).[65]:64

“Penn became the sole proprietor of a huge tract of land west of New Jersey and north of Maryland (which belonged to Lord Baltimore), and gained sovereign rule of the territory with all rights and privileges (except the power to declare war). The land of Pennsylvania had belonged to the Duke of York, who acquiesced, but he retained New York and the area around New Castle and the Eastern portion of the Delmarva Peninsula.[66] In return, one-fifth of all gold and silver mined in the province (which had virtually none) was to be remitted to the King and the Crown was freed of a debt to the Admiral of £16,000, equal to £2,123,423 today.[67]”

“Penn first called the area “New Wales”, then "Sylvania" (Latin for "forests or woods'"), which King Charles II changed to "Pennsylvania" (Or Penn’s Woods) in honor of the elder Penn.[68] On March 4, 1681, the King signed the charter and the following day Penn jubilantly wrote, “It is a clear and just thing, and my God who has given it to me through many difficulties, will, I believe, bless and make it the seed of a nation.”[69] 

“In 1682 in England, Penn drew up a Frame of Government for the Pennsylvania colony. Freedom of worship in the colony was to be absolute, and all the traditional rights of Englishmen were carefully safeguarded.[70] Penn drafted a charter of liberties for the settlement creating a political utopia guaranteeing free and fair trial by jury, freedom of religion, freedom from unjust imprisonment and free elections.”

“Having proved himself an influential scholar and theoretician, Penn now had to demonstrate the practical skills of a real estate promoter, city planner, and governor for his “Holy Experiment”, the province of Pennsylvania.[71]”

“Besides achieving his religious goals, Penn had hoped that Pennsylvania would be a profitable venture for himself and his family. But he proclaimed that he would not exploit either the natives or the immigrants, “I would not abuse His love, nor act unworthy of His providence, and so defile what came to me clean.”[72] 

“Though thoroughly oppressed, getting Quakers to leave England and make the dangerous journey to the New World was his first commercial challenge. Some Quaker families had already arrived in Maryland and New Jersey but the numbers were small. To attract settlers in large numbers, he wrote a glowing prospectus, considered honest and well-researched for the time, promising religious freedom as well as material advantage, which he marketed throughout Europe in various languages. Within six months he had parceled out 300,000 acres (1,200 km2) to over 250 prospective settlers, mostly rich London Quakers.[73] Eventually he attracted other persecuted minorities including Huguenots, Mennonites, Amish, Catholics, Lutherans, and Jews from England, France, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, and Wales.[74]”

“Next, he set out to lay the legal framework for an ethical society where power was derived from the people, from “open discourse”, in much the same way as a Quaker Meeting was run. Notably, as the sovereign, Penn thought it important to limit his own power as well.[75] The new government would have two houses, safeguard the rights of private property and free enterprise, and impose taxes fairly. It would call for death for only two crimes, treason and murder, rather than the two hundred crimes under English law, and all cases were to be tried before a jury.[76] Prisons would be progressive, attempting to correct through “workshops” rather than through hellish confinement.[77] The laws of behavior he laid out were rather Puritanical: swearing, lying, and drunkenness were forbidden as well as “idle amusements” such as stage plays, gambling, revels, masques, cock-fighting, and bear-baiting.[78]”

“After Penn’s death, Pennsylvania slowly drifted away from a colony founded by religion to a secular state dominated by commerce. Many of Penn’s legal and political innovations took root, however. Voltaire praised Pennsylvania as the only government in the world responsible to the people and respectful of minority rights.”

“Penn’s "Frame of Government" and his other ideas were later studied by Benjamin Franklin as well as the pamphleteer of the American Revolution, Thomas Paine, whose father was a Quaker. Among Penn's legacies was the unwillingness to force a Quaker majority upon Pennsylvania, allowing his state to develop into a successful “melting pot”.”

“In addition, Thomas Jefferson and the founding Fathers adapted Penn’s theory of an amendable constitution and his vision that “all Persons are equal under God” in forming the federal government following the American Revolution. “

“In addition to Penn’s extensive political and religious treatises, he wrote nearly 1,000 maxims, full of wise observations about human nature and morality.[112]”

“Penn’s Philadelphia continued to thrive, becoming one of the most populous colonial cities in the British Empire, reaching about 30,000 by the American Revolution, and becoming a center of commerce, science, medicine, and politics.[95] New groups of immigrants in the 18th century included German-speaking peoples and Scots-Irish.”
Penn’s family retained ownership of the colony of Pennsylvania until the American Revolution. However, William's son and successor, Thomas Penn, and his brother John, renounced their father’s faith, and fought to restrict religious freedom (particularly for Roman Catholics and later Quakers).”

“Thomas weakened or eliminated the elected assembly's power, and ran the colony instead through his appointed governors. He was a bitter opponent of Benjamin Franklin and Franklin's push for greater democracy in the years leading up to the revolution. Through the infamous Walking Purchase of 1737, the Penns cheated the Lenape out of their lands in the Lehigh Valley.[113]”


7-c. And For ExampleThe Following Excerpts From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, The “Frame of Government of Pennsylvania”, Also Demonstrates “The Original Global” And Humanitarian Scope (Including, if you like, Our Focus On “Affordable Housing”) of “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, and that is for sure.
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“William Penn as an English Quaker sought to construct a new type of society with religious toleration and a great deal of political freedom. It is believed that Penn’s political philosophy is embodied in the “West New Jersey Concessions and Agreements of 1677”, which is an earlier practical experience of government constitution prior to the establishment of Pennsylvania. Although his authorship of the Concession is questioned, it is believed that he gave his full consent to it as the trustee of that colony.”

“In the Concession, all legislative power was granted to an assembly selected by the “inhabitants, freeholders and proprietors” of the colony. A commission was to be appointed by the assembly as its executive. The government structure in West New Jersey demonstrated the enlightened constitutional theory that Penn had been promoting.”


7-d. And For ExampleThe Following Excerpts From “A Recent News Release” From The “OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR” of Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Com Corbett, Also Demonstrates “The Global” And Humanitarian Scope (Including, if you like, Our Focus On “Affordable Housing”) of “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, and that is for sure.
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Governor Tom Corbett Announces $45 Million in Funding for the School District of Philadelphia:

Funds Will Allow District to Add Teachers, Counselors and Support Staff

Harrisburg – After conferring with Pennsylvania Secretary of Education Carolyn Dumaresq, as required by statute, Governor Tom Corbett today announced that he has directed the release of $45 million in one-time state funds to the City of Philadelphia for use by the School District of Philadelphia for the 2013-2014 school year.

Under the law, the additional $45 million in one-time state funding was to be released to the city for the school district’s use when the Secretary of Education certified that the district has begun to implement fiscal, educational and operational reforms.

Based on a letter from Superintendent William Hite to Secretary of Education Carolyn Dumaresq updating the Commonwealth on district reforms implemented since the start of the school year, Corbett cited sufficient progress had been made to warrant the certification.

“I firmly believe that all students deserve a safe, high-quality education that will prepare them for college and career,” Corbett said. “I also believe that fiscal and academic reforms are necessary for the long-term survival of the School District of Philadelphia.”

“Superintendent Hite and the School Reform Commission are working to build a system of public schools that has adequate resources and has the policies in place for students and teachers to thrive. The reforms they are pursuing are critical to the district’s ability to better manage costs, ensuring that any new money that goes to the district gets spent on things that will improve the quality of education for students," Corbett said.

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter thanked the governor for following through on his commitment to the School District of Philadelphia.

“I appreciate the Governor releasing these greatly needed funds to educate our children,” Nutter stated. “Let us all dedicate ourselves to doing all that we can to ensure the best education possible for all Pennsylvania students.”

In addition to new programs and initiatives designed to increase the range and quality of educational options available to students, the district has taken a student-focused approach to the staff assignment and transfer process, consistent with its priorities for educational improvement and operational control.
Most importantly with respect to fiscal stability, the district has a balanced budget and Five-Year Plan, and it is now maintaining expenditure levels that do not exceed available resources.


"Summary E"
"The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
And "Their State Employee Unions.
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  Go To “Problem/Solution Description - 02"

Bawa. So, Mr. President, Using “This Brief Journey” Through “The Current World” of "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, That Is, From Excerpts From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, On “The Life” of William Penn, And To Excerpts From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, On The “Frame of Government of Pennsylvania”, And To “A Recent News Release” From The “OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR” of Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Com Corbett, On Funding Philadelphia Schools, As An Example, What We Are Proposing Is A New Kind of "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, One That Would Provide A “More Balanced Approach” Between “The Forces of Good and Evil”, That Is, One That Would Be More Supportive of “Our Plan” For A New Company Focused On A New Approach To Providing “Affordable Housing” In "City of Philadelphia", And Perhaps Even In “All of The Cities” In "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, A New Kind of "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" That Is More Sensitive To “The Current” Out of Balance Condition of “The State” And The Very Real Need To “Step Back”, Take “A Very Deep Breath”, And “Step Forward” With “A New Focus” On The “Two Different Aspects” of “The People” Living In “The State”, That Is, On Both “The Worldly” And On The “Non-Worldly”, Or “The Spiritual” Part of Men/Women, And In This Case The “Non-Worldly”, Or “The Spiritual Part” Does Not Just Mean “Organized Religion” Because In Truth “God Has No Religion”, Because In Truth “God Transcends” All Religions, That Is, All “Organized Anything”, And If We Like, So Do We, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And In This Way, “The True Divinity of Man/Woman”, That Is, As “The Creation of God” That Was Made By God In “The Image of God” Is What Again Needs To Be Seriously Addressed By "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, As It Was At The Time of “The Founding of Pennsylvania” By William Penn And His Contemporaries Over 300 Years Ago, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, Issues Like “The Individual Freedom” of Men and Women To Truly Pursue A Significant “Life Journey” All of “Their Life”, While Addressing Both “The Worldly” And The “Non-Worldly”, Or “The Spiritual” Part of Men/Women, Support By “The Full Power” And Resources of “The State” Without Undue Pressure And Without Down Right Interference In “Their Life”, Through Various Means (like Mass Advertisement) By “The Powerful People And Institutions” of “The State” To Only Become/Serve “What They Want” For “The State”, In Order To Meet/Satisfy/Maintain “Their Political and Personal” Objectives, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, The Very, Very, Very Real Need For “The State” To Address “The Higher Self” of Individuals Living/Working/Educating/Playing/Growing/Retiring In “The State”, That Is, To Address More The “Human/God Part” of “The Individuals” Now Living/Schooling/Working/Playing/Growing/Retiring In "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, While We Still Can, That Is, Before “The Current Out of Balance Focus” of “The State” On Business, On Economic Grown, On Personal Wealth, On Competitive Advantage, On Market Share, And On Raising, Educating, And Training The Individuals To Better, And Better, And Betters Support “This Current Focus”, Literally “Destroys” The Very People, And Families, And Communities, And Cities, It Claims To Serve, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, A New Kind of "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" That Is More Sensitive To “The Current” Out of Balance Condition of “The State” And The Very Real Need To “Step Back”, Take “A Very Deep Breath”, And “Step Forward” With “A New Focus” On The “Two Different Aspects” of “The People” Living In “The State”, That Is, On Both “The Worldly” And On The “Non-Worldly”, Or “The Spiritual” Part of Men/Women, and that is for sure.

Bawa. For Example, A New Kind of "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" That Continues To Focus On “Affordable Housing”, But Not Just On “Affordable Housing” As Something That “The State/City Provides” For Its Individual Citizens/Families, That Is, Mainly For Its Low-Income/Poor/Elderly/Homeless/Disabled/Minority Citizens/Families, and that is for sure.

Bawa. But Rather, Mr. President, A New Kind of "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" As Part of “Our Proposed People Project”, That is, As A True Planning/Working Partner With “The Kind of Umbrella Enterprise/Company” That We Are Proposing, That Stands Between “The Individuals” Living/Working In, And Around, “The State/Cities”, And In All of “The State/City” Government/Financial/Business/Education Institutions, That Literally Puts “The Individual” Again, Or Probably For “The First Time”, Literally “In Charge” of “The Choices” In “His Life’s Journey”, Not “At The Mercy” of “The Powerful People/Institutions” of His Society, As They Say, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, And Coupled With, As Reviewed In "Summary A", And In "Summary B", And In "Summary C" Earlier, With As A New Kind of “Masters/Certification Program”, One For “Affordable Housing”, And A New Kind of “Career Path”, One For “Affordable Housing”, And A New Kind of "On-line Computer Based Learning System", One Called “Affordable Housing”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That is, And Coupled With A New Kind of “Career Path” For The People Entering “College/Graduate School”, And For Those Already Working In “The Professions”, And For Those Now Retiring/Retired From “The Professions”, One Called “Affordable Housing”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, And Coupled With A New Kind of “Knowledge Map” Or “Career Cluster” That Includes A New Kind of "Enterprise Level Umbrella 
Architecture" For “Professionals”, And For “Everything” Necessary To Successfully Support “The Design/Development/Implementation/Maintenance” of This New Kind of “Knowledge Map”, One Called “Affordable Housing”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, And Coupled With A New Kind of “Career Cluster”, That Includes A New Kind of "Enterprise Level Umbrella Architecture" For “Professionals”, One Called “Affordable Housing”, That Truly Embraces “Everything” Necessary To Make “Affordable Housing” A Successful Reality In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, For The Benefit of All of “The Current Resources” Available For This New Kind of “Industrial/Community Based Enterprise/Project".

Bawa. For Example, By Using “The Existing Resources” (Part C), And By Using “The Existing Technology” of Our Day (D-1), And By Solving “The Smokestack Problem” of Our Day (D-2), As Briefly Summarized For You In “Love Letter 35”, and that is for sure.


Bawa. For In Truth, Mr. President, The Current Initiatives By "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, As Well As Those Reviewed For “The City of Philadelphia”, As Well As “Their Current Government/Business” Models/
Systems Have “A Serious Flaw”, That Is, They Focus On “The Wrong Thing” In Order To Provide A Truly Vibrant Growing/Sustainable Community/
Neighborhood/City/State, and that is for sure.


Problem/Solution Description - 02"
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Go To “Summary E

Bawa. That Is, The State’s/City’s Focus Is On:

Improving Neighborhoods,
Improving Finances.
Improving Businesses.
Improving “The Environment”
Improving “Homelessness”
Improving “Youth Violence”
Improving “The State/City”, And “The State/City Services”
Improving “Entertainment”
Improving “The State/City Infrastructure”
Improving “The State City Education” System
Improving “Etc.”

Bawa. But The State’s/City’s Focus Is Not:

Bawa. On Directly “Improving” The Individual, That Is, Is Not On Directly Making “The Individual” More “Intrinsically Valuable”, Like “A Diamond” To Be Displayed On “The Crown of God”, That Is, Like “A True Human Being” Living As “The Presence/Qualities” of God, And As “The Word” of God “Made Flesh” In “The World”, As They Say, if you like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. But Rather, The State’s/City’s Focus Is Just On Making “The Individual” More “Extrinsically Valuable” To “The Community” And To “The State’s/City’s” Government/Financial/Business Institutions, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, Like “A Hunk of Coal” Is “Extrinsically Valuable” To “The Community”, Only To Be Consumed In “The Furnaces” of “The City”, In Order To Move Forward “The Fortunes” of “The City”, Only In “The End” To Go Up As “Smoke”, Having Lost “All Value” To All, Including To God, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, But Rather The State’s/City’s Focus Is Not On Directly Moving “The Individual” Forward In “Their True Life Journey” Within “The Context” of "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, And of “The City of Philadelphia”, And of “The State’s/City’s” Governmental/Financial/Business Institutions, And Now, if you like, In “The Context” of Our New “Industrial/Community Based Enterprise/Project” of Providing “Affordable Housing” In “The City of Philadelphia”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And So, Mr. President, “This” Is The Niche That We Are Proposing That We Start To Fill In “The Landscape” of Both "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, and “The City of Philadelphia”, That Is, “An Umbrella Enterprise/Company” That Stands Between “The Individual” And All of “The State’s/City’s” Government/Financial/Business/Education Institutions, That Literally Puts “The Individual” Again “In Charge” of “The Choices” In “His Life’s Journey”, Not “At The Mercy” of “The Powerful People/Institutions” of His Society, As They Say, and that is for sure.


8.  For “The Federal Government” of “Washington, DC”,  
And “Their Federal Employee Unions”.
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Bawa. My Love You - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased within Him and with Us). Amen.

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Love Letter 036 - To My Dearest Loving Older Brother, of "The One True 
                                 Heart" of God, President Jimmy Carter.