"Love Letter 028"
"The Review of Chapter 01"
From "The New Book",
"Bawa For Dummies"

From: Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
ToAziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
Written On April 9th, 2013.

Go To
The Love Letter
FromAziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
To: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
On 04-07-2013
At “The End
of “Love Letter 028

Go To: “Daily Love Letters” To My Children
Go To: Daily Wisdom Messages” To My Children
Go To: "The New BookBawa For Dummies"


"Learning How Not To Be There
As If Somehow 
You Are "Separate From" God Within You, 
So God Can Be There
As One "With You", 
First On The Outside,
And Then Within,
and that is for sure.

Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May All The Peace, The Beneficence, And The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends.  

Bawa. My Love YouMy Dearest Loving Daughter Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and that is for sure.

Bawa. May God Bless All of You, May He Now,

“Open Up Your Inner Heart
Grant You His Grace
And Pull You Back Into Him”, 
As Bawa Teaches UsAmen.

Bawa. Thank You For Your “Love Letter” To Our Dearest Loving Son, And 
Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As “The First Chapter” of “The New Book” That “We” Are Now Writing With My Children, Called “Bawa For Dummies”, But It Would Appear From What You Sent To “Us” That You Are NoYet “Dumb 
Enough” To Start To Help “Us With “Our New Book”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. Because “You Still Believe” That You Understand “What Has 
Happened” In “Your Life”, And In “The Life” of My Children, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, For In Truth “Nothing Has Happened” Or “Ever 
Will Happen” As “You” Believe, Or As Any of My Children Believe, Without Exception, and that is for sure.

Bawa. For ExampleMy Dearest Loving Daughter, Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Your “Love Letter” To "Us" You Say,

“Bawa. Meanwhile I was drawn to Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and began to occupy the seat next to him in the meeting room of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship. He had taken both Aaron and myself under his wing. We sat through Sunday meetings and the special festivities of the mauluds and Ramadan. Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen would not participate in the chatter and socializing of the Fellowship. He would either look at the floor, or be talking about wisdom, or he would be praying, completely oblivious to the drama constantly unfolding. 

Bawa. The conversations he did engage in seemed mostly to force people to evaluate what they were holding onto, which did not endear him to those people, though they seemed affectionally resigned to him, and spent a few polite moments listening before going about their business. Others would stay and sometimes there was a little group of us. Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) said he was like a rock in the stream which the water had to flow around, not like us---fibers batted about by the stream's whims. I learned that over the years he had taken many of the Fellowship people under his wing and most of them had moved on. He said the people there had become comfortable with their lives as children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and had no wish to become Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) as he had.

Bawa. There were some marginalized people at the Fellowship and I will never forget one Ramadan (or was it the Mauluds?, both involve very good food) where he was throwing some kind of food like sweets or popcorn into the mouth of one such young man who was just melting with the attention and love he was receiving. 

Bawa. Actually I would count my family among those marginalized people, and it took someone like Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) to reach into our lives and make profound changes; like sending a son to grad school.”

(Bawa. Go To “The End” of “Our Love Letter” To "You" To Read A Full Copy of “Your Love Letter” To "Usif you like, Or Click "HERE", and that is for sure)


Bawa. First, “You Were Not Drawn To Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), As “You Now Say”, Rather “Your Life” In Truth Is Always Sitting On “God’s 
Lap”, And God Is Conducting “Your Life”, Not You, As Our Dearest Loving Father, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) Said To "All of Us", When He 
Was Still Living In "The World" With Us, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And That Now Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving 
Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom "We Are Well Pleased", 
Is Now Again Saying To "All of Us", While He Is Now Still Living In "The World" With Usand that is for sure.

Bawa. For Example, See The “Epilogue” In The Beautiful Book of Wisdom, “Islam & World Peace: Explanations of A Sufi”, Where Bawa Teaches Us 
The Followingand that is for sure.

“Our entire life and everything that happens to us is conducted by Allah, not by us. He is the One who carries out everything, He is responsible for the cause and the effect”.

Bawa. So Instead of You “Stepping Back” From “Your Story”, And With 
You “Inviting God” To “Step Forward” And Tell “His Story”, That Is, 
Instead of You “Truly Being Dumb” About “Everything”, You Just Stood 
There And Gladly Told Us About You, And Only About "You", And Only 
About “Your Story”, In Your “Love Letter” To "Us, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, And All of Which In Truth Is of “No True Value” Either To 
"Your Life", Or To "The Life" of Any of My Children, Without Exception, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And Second, You Say, “The conversations he did engage in seemed mostly to force people to evaluate what they were holding onto”, But 
"That" Is Not What Was “Really Happening” At "That Time", For In Truth God Will Never “Force Anyone” To Give Up “Anything”, Instead, In “The End”, God Will Only Give You Exactly What You Want”,  and that is for sure

Bawa. But Rather, What “You Saw” At "That Time", Was Just “What Was Really Living Within You”, That You Now Still “Don’t Want To Give Up”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, That You Now Still “Don’t Want To Give Up”, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Current Life” of “Illusory Separation” From God 
Within You, And That You, All All of My Children, Without Exception, Are 
Now Still Holding Onto”, No Matter Whatand that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, “No Matter What” God “Shows and Tells” You, And That 
God “Shows and Tells” To All of My Children, Without Exception, To “The Contrary”,

That In Truth,
There Is Nothing Other Than God”,
And Within “That Truth”,
Right Now, This Very Moment,
God Is One With You”,
And Within “That Truth”,
If You Like,
That Is, “If You Are A Wise Child”,
Now For Your Age,
And “Not Just A Foolish Child",
Now For Your Age,
You Are One With God”,
and that is for sure.

Bawa. But All of Which In Truth, That Is, “Your Current Life” of “Illusory Separation” From God Within You, Is Now In Truth “Separating Your Soul” From God Within You, And In “The End” Is Exactly “What God Will Give To You”, And Give To Each of My Children, Without Exception, As “Your Just 
Rewards” In "The End', That Is, For You Having “Lived Out Your Life” In “The World”, As if Somehow "You Exist" As "Separate From" God Within 
You, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, If “You Don’t Wise Up” While Both “You and God” Still Can”, That Is, If “You Don’t Become” A “True Dummy”, While Both “You and 
God” Still Can, and that is for sure.

Bawa. For In Truth What Is “Always Really Happening”, At All Times, Is Not Ever What “You Saw”, Or What You Now See, Or That Any of My Children, Without Exception, Saw Or Now See, But Rather, Is Always God “Awakening” The Wisdom Surrounding “The Soul” of Each of My Children, Without Exception, So “The Awakened Wisdom” Surrounding “Your Soul” Could Do Battle With “The Enemy of Your Soul”, if you like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, "If You Are A Wise Child", Now For Your Age, And "Not 
Just A Foolish Child", Now For Your AgeAs Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh 
Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom "We Are Well Pleased", Is Now Again 
Teaching Us, But "This Time" For "The Last Time", and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, So “The Awakened Wisdom” Surrounding “Your Soul” Could Do Battle With “The Enemy of Your Soul”, All of Which In Truth Is Now “You”, And Is Now Each of My Children, Without Exception, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And Third, You Say, “There were some marginalized people at the Fellowship”, And of Course This Is Most “Emphatically Not True”, For In Truth Each of “My Children” In Truth Is “Exquisitely Perfect” As “They Already Are”, As “They Currently Are”, And To Find Fault In Then, As To Fault In “Yourself”, In Truth Is To “Find Fault” In God, For In Truth God Is "The One” Who Is Conducting “Their Lives”, Most Certainly "Not Them", As God Is "The One" Who Is Conducting “Your Life”, Most Certainly “Not You”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And As Such, “Everything” Is Always Perfect, That Is, "Everything"
Is Always Perfect As It “Already Is”, No Matter What, That Is, No Matter What Is “Happening”, That Is, No Matter What “You May Say”, Or See, Or Think, Or What Any of My Children, Without Exception, May Say, Or See, Or Think, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, "Everything" Is Always Perfect As It “Already Is”, Always Perfect, Always Just Waiting “On God” Within You, That Is, Always Just Waiting For God To “Move It Forward” Within “God’s Story”, Within God Within You, and that is for sure.

Bawa. But Never, Ever To "Move Forward" “God’s Story” Within “Your Story”, Because In Truth “You”, Or Any of My Children, Without Exception, Have "No Real Story”, Because In Truth “You” Now Living As If Somehow "You Exist" As "Separate From" God Within You Is "Just Not True", That Is, Is Just “A Dream Story”, Now Truly Only Existing Within "Your Mind" Within You, And As Such, Is Just “A Dream Story”, That Simply “Ends At The Grave”, Not Going Anywhere, and that is for sure.

Bawa. For In Truth What Is “Always Really Happening”, At All Times, Was Not Ever What “You Saw”, Or What You Now Still See, And Not What Any of My Children, Without Exception, Saw And Now Still See, But Rather, Is Always “God Witnessing God” Awakening To “Himself”, Within “The Story” of ‘The Oneness of God and True Man”, Within "Man-God/God-Man", Within God Within You, Within “The Heart” of “The One” Who Will Truly “Let Himself End” In God, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And Fourth, You Say, “Actually I would count my family among those marginalized people”, And of Course This Is Also Most “Emphatically Not True”, For In Truth “You Have No Real Family”, Just “A Dream Family”, Within "Your  Mind" Within You, While In Truth “The Lives” of Aaron, Mikey, Sarah, Harry, And James Are All Perfect, All Exquisitely Perfect, All “Sitting On God’s Lap”, As God Is Conducting “Their Life”, As He Is Conducting “Your Life”, All Within God Within You, and that is for sure.

Bawa. But My Dearest Loving Daughter Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth You Have Become “Lost” In “The Fantasies” of “Your Mind” And In “The Desires” of “Your Dog of Desire”, And Now Only See "Them" As “Your Blood Children”, And "You & Them" As “Your Blood Family", That Is, As "Your Personal Family” On "The Outside" of You, All of Which In Truth Has Now Fully Manifested Within "Your Mind" Within You, Not On Some "Illusory Outside" of You, As You, And All of My Children, Still Mistakenly Believe, But To "Your Eternal Peril", and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, As “Your Blood Children”, And As “Your Blood Family", That Is, As "Your Personal Family” On "The Outside" of You, Not As “God’s Light Children”, Not As "God's Family", That Is, Not As “God’s Universal Family” of God’s "Love and Compassion", As In Truth “They”, As Well As “You”, Really Are, if you like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. So What To DoMy Dearest Loving Daughter Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) You Have Really Let “Your Mind” And “Your Desires” Make “A Fool of You”, Now For Your Age, Rather Than Letting “Your Wisdom”, Transform “Your Life” Into “A Wise Child”, Now For Your Age, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. That Is, Rather Than Letting Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Awaken And Bring To Maturity “Your Wisdom”, Within God Within You, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. That Is, Rather Than Letting Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Awaken And Bring To Maturity “Your Wisdom”, Within God Within You, As The Awakened “Wisdom” Surrounding “Your Soul”, So “The Wisdom” Surrounding “Your Soul” Can Do Battle With “The Enemy” of “Your Soul”, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Whole Life”,  and that is for sure. 

Bawa. That Is, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Whole Life”, Now Living Both Within “Your Mind” Within You, As “Temporary Worlds” of “Demonic and Elemental Energies”, And On “The Illusory Outside”of You, As Now “Your Current Illusory Life” As “A Person”, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. That Is, With You Now Living As “A Woman”, And As “A Mother”, And As “A Friend”, On "The Illusory Outside" of You, And On And On And On, All of Which In Truth Now Just Nourishes All of “The Temporary Elemental Worlds” of “Demonic and Elemental Energies”, Now "Living & Thriving" Within “Your Mind” Within You, And All of Which In Truth, That Is, This "You" As "A Woman", As "A Mother", And As "A Friend", At “The End”, “Just Ends” At “The Grave”, Not Going Anywhere, As Bawa Teaches Us, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. That is, All of Which In Truth At “The End”, That is, "This Person", Now Living On "The Outside" of You, “Just Ends” At “The Grave”, Not Going Anywhere, As Bawa Teaches Us, But All of Which In Truth At “The End”, With "You As A Person" Just Ending "At The Grave", Literally Transforms All of “The Temporary Elemental Worlds” of “Demonic and Elemental Energies”, Now Temporarily "Living and Thriving" Within “Your Mind” Within You, Into “Eternal Elemental Worlds” of “Demonic and Elemental Energies”, Next "Living and Thriving", Forever, Within “Your Mind” Within You, That Is, If You Die In “Your Current State” of “Illusory Separation” From God Within You, and that is for sure.

Bawa. So What To Do, My Dearest Loving Daughter Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and that is for sure.

Bawa. Please, Please, Please Accept Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Now “Our Final Gift” For “Your Life”, As Now "Your Wisdom", That Is, As Now "The Grace" of "The Sacred Universal Traveler", Now For Your Age, Now For Your Life, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And As Such, Start To "Use Him" Accordingly, That Is, Start To Do “Exactly” What He Tells You To Do, But Nothing More, On “Your Own”, Like “Buying A New Mac Pro”, Or Taking “Arabic Lessons”, Or Moving Into “His House”, All of Which In Truth Are Just “The Endless Drama’s” of “Your Monkey Mind”, And of “Your Dog of Desire”, And Will Just Keep “You Standing Up”, and “Your Wisdom Sleeping” Around “Your Soul”, Until "The Angel of Death" Finds You In "Your Current State" of 'Illusory Separation" From God Within You, And "Hell Becomes Your Only Eternal Fate", and that is for sure. Ok?

Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Please, Please, Please, Remember, As We Shared With You In “Our Last Love Letter”, Everything That “We Have Belongs To You”, And In Truth “Everything That You Now Have Belongs To Hell”, And “Your Only Work” In “The World” Is To Get “Us”, First On The Outside, And Then Within, To Discard From “Your Life” Everything That You Now Have, All of Which Belongs To Hell, if you like, All of Which In Truth Is Now What Is “Separating God From God”, Within You,  if you like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. All of Which In Truth Must Now Go From “Your Life”, If In Truth
 "God Is To Come" Into "Your Life", if you like, That Is, All of Which In Truth Must Now Be Discarded From “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, Everything That You Now Have, All of Which In Truth Belongs To Hell, if you like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, When You Truly Start To Demonstrate To “Us” That You Are Completely Done With “You”, That Is, Completely Done With “Everything That You Now Have”, All of Which In Truth “Belongs To Hell”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And When You Truly Start To Do “This” True “Hearts Work”, As Bawa Calls It, That Is, When You Truly  Start To Live “This Way”, That Is, , As “One” With “Us”, As "Two Lives Now Living As One Life", Moment To Moment, Hour By Hour, Day By Day, Year By Year, For “The Rest of Your Life” In “The World”, And “Never, Ever, Look Back”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And To Help You Stay Focused On “This True Work” Now For “Your True Life”, Within God Within You, Rather Than On “The Monkey & Dog Work” For “Your Current Life”, Within "Your Mind" Within You, We Keep Sending You, And Keep Sending All of My Other Children, “Daily Wisdom Messages”, And Now Wisdom Updates To "Our New Book: Bawa For Dummies", As Well As Our “Daily Love Letters”, Like “This Love Letter” Now To You, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. The Last Four of Which, That Is, Wisdom Message 334335336, and 337, Which We Just Sent To You, Which Is “A Review” of “The Following 4 Bawa Quotations”, And Like Before, Contain Everything That You, And All of My Children, Without Exception, Will Ever Need To Know In “Your Life” In “The World”, To Truly "Reach God", In "Your Lifetime", if you like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, For You To Know Just Enough To “Be Done HERE”, That Is, For You To Know Just Enough To “Let Go” And “Let God”, That Is, For You To Know Just Enough To Truly Say “The Following Prayer”, That Is, “The Prayer To Make You Pure”, At Least Once Each Day, And “Really, Really, Really Mean It”, As Bawa Teaches Us,

The Prayer To Make You Pure

“O My Father, My Shaikh, My Guru,
We Need “Your Love”,
Please, Please, Please Destroy Me,
And Reveal You”,
and that is for sure.

Wisdom Message 334:

"So what is the difference between men and birds? A bird has two wings, and man has two arms. They both have two legs, two eyes, and two ears, even though the bird's ears are only little holes. The bird has a beak and man has a nose. There is really no difference at all. As soon as you take away his signs, symbols, clothing, and makeup, man is just like a plucked crane. Once he is stripped of all his outer distinctions, he has lost his value, and the foxes, jackals, lions, tigers, worms, insects, and beetles will be waiting to devour him.

The crane's feathers are beautiful, but this beauty is of no use. Man is in the same state. Like a bird without feathers, he is of no use when all his outer trappings are taken away. Yet he holds on tightly to these things so people will be impressed by him. He is praised or blamed for the way he looks. But this kind of beauty is useless, for eventually, he is left naked in the grave.

However, my grandchildren, there is a wonder and a beauty within man. There is a man within man, and within that inner man is a truth. Within that truth is a light, within that light is a brilliance, and within that brilliant light is the resplendence of wisdom and divine knowledge, or 'ilm. Within that 'ilm is another 'ilm, and within that inner 'ilm is the Rabb, the Lord God. And ultimately within God is a plenitude which is His justice.

That is the great wonder within man. God's three thousand gracious qualities and His ninety-nine duties and actions, His wilayats, all exist in that man within man. This is the greatest, most amazing beauty in the whole world. It is the greatest wonder in the kingdom of the soul, the kingdom of the world, and the kingdom of the hereafter. It is the greatest wonder in the eighteen thousand universes. Except for the wonder of Allah, which is within this wonder, there is no other beauty, taste, or joy. For man's life, for his wisdom, for his qualities and actions, for his patience, inner patience, contentment, and surrender, for his love, his prayer, his worship, and his devotion-this is the most amazing and most beautiful treasure.

If man can understand this, then he will be truly beautiful. Then his body, his form, his vision, his speech, and his thoughts will have that original beauty. There is no wonder or beauty greater than this.

My grandchildren, wherever you look in the world, the beauty you see is not lasting. If you look at these birds, at man, or at the trees, what do you see? When the leaves fall, the beauty of the tree is gone. When the feathers are plucked, the bird's beauty is gone. When you take away a man's clothing and titles, all that remains is skin and bone.

There is no wonder or beauty in these outer things. The secret of the man within man is the real wonder. It is a beautiful, exalted wonder which you and I must try to know and understand and follow.

My grandchildren, my daughters and sons, my brothers and sisters, you must search for God's beautiful qualities and His divine knowledge, or 'ilm. You must know this wonder of your life with absolute certitude. My love you. May God help you."

Wisdom Message 335:

“God will never forget you. 

He is your Father. He is the One who gave you life, the One who protects you, the One who nourishes you, and the One who saves you in times of danger.

Whenever you say, “My God,” He comes to help you immediately.

He alone has the love which never forgets you. 

If you lovingly give milk to a cat, it closes its eyes and stealthily drinks. 

But if you love God, He will open His eyes, look at you, and embrace you with love. 

He will open His heart and His eyes and embrace you. He will not look at the milk. He will look at your love. 

He is the one Treasure alone worth loving.

Wisdom Message 336:

"if you die within the shaikh, then moment by moment the shaikh will lift you and carry you. 

To do this, the shaikh must have the name of God within him, within his breath and his words. 

And what should you have? 

Your life, your qualities, your writings, your breath, your speech, your entire history must be the history of the shaikh. 

My children, at all moments you have to realize what God is, what the shaikh is, what you are, how to establish that connection, and how to unfold that history”.

Wisdom Message 337:

The Shaikh” says:

“My child, the past is past. 

Do not be troubled by what happened before.

Ask God’s forgiveness for your previous faults and try to acquire good qualities and put them into action.

To see the Good One, we must become good children.

To see one who is wise, we must change into children of wisdom. 

To live with a man, we must live as men. 

To find a perfected man, an Insan Kamil, we must be men who have the resplendence of wisdom. 

If we want to search for and find truth, we must live in truth. 

If we want to search for Allah, we must seek His qualities, actions, conduct, and intentions, and bring them into action within us. 

Only then can we reach Him”.


Bawa. So, My Dearest Loving Daughter Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Please, Please, Please, Read These 4 Wisdom Messages (334335336, and 337) Over, And Over Again (That Is, The Updated On-line Versions, Now available), Reading At Least One of Them All The Way Through, Each Day, if you like, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. And Also Each Day, if you like, Continue To Read “Golden Words Of The Sufi Shaikh”, At Least For An Hour, And Continue To Keep “A Strict Daily Routine” At Your Home, Like You Started Earlier, For Example, Like Cleaning Each Room, Painting Where Necessary, Both Inside And Outside, Laundry, Shopping, Cooking, Fixing The House Where Necessary, Staring A Garden And Growing Vegetables, But Just Enough For “You and Your “Funny Little Family”, if you like, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. And Continue To Write Each Day, But This Time, By “Not Writing”, That Is, By Getting “God To Write”, if you like, Another Chapter In “The Wisdom Book”, We Now Call “Bawa For Dummies”, But This Time “With You Truly Dumb”, That You Started Earlier, About “Your Personal Adventures”, But Now of “You Not Being There, As If “You Are Separate From” God, So God Can Be There, As “One With” You”, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. And “Spiritual Insights”, Hanging Out For “The Last 20 Years” Or So, With Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, And Send “Us” A Copy “Once A Week” of What You Write, But This Time, By “Not Writing”, That Is, By Getting “God to Write”, Each Week, if you like, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. And In “This Way”, Build “Your Life” Around “The Life and Teaching”, and “The Heart” And "The Songs", of Your Dearest Loving 
Father, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And of Our Dearest Loving Son, And 
Your Dearest Loving BrotherShaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Now Living In “The World” As “One” With “You”, if you 
like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. All of Which Together, As “One”, if you like, Now Makes Up The Life and Teaching”, and “The Heart”, and "The Song", of Our Dearest Loving 
Grand SonShaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

Bawa. My Love You - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.


A Copy
of “The Love Letter
From: Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
To: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
On 04-07-2013
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Bawa. Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) asked me to write about Aaron going to grad school. This would not be happening without the Shaikh. Aaron is a musician in a popular band. Maybe to compensate for his popularity or to justify it he became a personality who wanted to set an example. One thing he did was go into trash cans to eat food to show that we shouldn't waste food. Naturally I who love to worry, was worried about Aaron and his future and his extreme take on life.

Bawa. When Aaron accompanied me to the Fellowship he began sitting with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). I was happy about that and surprised too. I accepted that God had placed some risq (food) for Aaron that was beyond my ability to understand or orchestrate. The love between them was palatable. I noticed that a physical change would occur in my son when he listened to Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). His cheeks would flush and his eyes would be brighten. Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) called those sessions "breastfeeding the light child".

Bawa. This was before I considered Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) to actually embody his name that Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) had given him. I liked him and gave him rides home and looked at his website when I was at work. I noticed that he wrote letters to people on line and shared them openly - there was nothing private about him. I was thrilled when he wrote Aaron and I could read it on his website. When I took him home after meetings (as he had no car at that time), he would keep me in the car for a long time after we reached his home with his talks which seemed to repeat themselves, and always came back to the point of saying "Bawa" before doing, writing or saying anything. But when I saw his effect on Aaron, my heart began to change.

Bawa. Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) decided that Aaron should get his masters degree and doctorate so he could be "safe in the world". Aaron returning to school after eight years was an amazing, powerful and novel idea. Aaron had never been an enthusiastic student. He used his considerable intellect to procrastinate, and keep himself and his friends amused. Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and Aaron went on an odessy to Temple University to investigate going there, but I suggested that he go to the University of Pennsylvania, as I worked there and it would not cost him much money, so Penn it was. But now he is at Temple for his doctorate, as Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) foresaw and studying education so he can "teach teachers" as Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) instructed him.

Bawa. Meanwhile I was drawn to Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and began to occupy the seat next to him in the meeting room of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship. He had taken both Aaron and myself under his wing. We sat through Sunday meetings and the special festivities of the mauluds and Ramadan. Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen would not participate in the chatter and socializing of the Fellowship. He would either look at the floor, or be talking about wisdom, or he would be praying, completely oblivious to the drama constantly unfolding. 

Bawa. The conversations he did engage in seemed mostly to force people to evaluate what they were holding onto, which did not endear him to those people, though they seemed affectionally resigned to him, and spent a few polite moments listening before going about their business. Others would stay and sometimes there was a little group of us. Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) said he was like a rock in the stream which the water had to flow around, not like us---fibers batted about by the stream's whims. I learned that over the years he had taken many of the Fellowship people under his wing and most of them had moved on. He said the people there had become comfortable with their lives as children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and had no wish to become Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) as he had.

Bawa. There were some marginalized people at the Fellowship and I will never forget one Ramadan (or was it the Mauluds?, both involve very good food) where he was throwing some kind of food like sweets or popcorn into the mouth of one such young man who was just melting with the attention and love he was receiving. Actually I would count my family among those marginalized people, and it took someone like Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) to reach into our lives and make profound changes; like sending a son to grad school. 


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Love Letter 028 - To My Dearest Loving Daughter Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with You, and with Us). Amen.